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OSHA's Safe + Sound Week

Safe + Sound is a campaign hosted by OSHA to support health and safety programs in workplaces all across the United States. Though this is a year-round initiative, Safe + Sound Week is an annual event that acknowledges and celebrates successful health and safety programs. Additionally, this week provides insight and advice regarding workers' safety. As Safe + Sound Week approaches, it's important to make sure that you and your workplace are prepared to participate; below is some information that you might find helpful in getting ready.

When is Safe + Sound Week?

Safe + Sound Week is held every August; this year, it will take place between August 10-August 16, 2020.

Who takes part in Safe + Sound Week?

Safe + Sound Week is open to all organizations interested in expressing their commitment to a safe workplace. Thousands of businesses attended in 2019, and OSHA is enthusiastic for that number to continue growing!

Why should my business participate in Safe + Sound Week?

Involvement in a health and safety program can unify and protect a workplace; it helps to educate employees and identify hazards before they cause any harm. These programs can manage dangers in the workplace and create long-term, sustainable change. By taking part in Safe + Sound Week, you can start a health and safety program or amplify an existing one; if your program is already successful, this is a fantastic opportunity to recognize and celebrate your efforts!

Registration for Safe + Sound Week is quick and simple - you can do so with this link, as well as see who else has registered so far.

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