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Workers' Comp
Casualty Loss Prevention Services
Workers' Compensation safety program development and implementation
OSHA compliance training, auditing, and consulting
Product liability risk control consulting
Construction Safety Services
Ergonomics evaluations
Cumulative injuries/repetitive motion injury and exposure assessments
Customized training programs
Motor vehicle programs
Industrial hygiene testing, monitoring, and analysis
Loss Forcasting & Analysis
Loss forecast analysis and review
Loss sensitive plan analysis – deductible or retention levels
Negotiation and understanding of collateral requirements
Provide budget process for ultimate losses
Forecasting loss sensitive plan adjustments
Lines of Coverage Serviced
Auto Liability
Auto Physical Damage
General Liability
Property Losses
Products Liability
Cargo Losses
Workers Compensation
Experience Modification Review & Analysis
Review classifications for accuracy
Review experience modification for accuracy
Prepare report package
E-mod "what if" analysis for deductibles
Mod projections
Claims Consulting Services
Best Practice Analysis and Development
File Audits
Reserve Review and Analysis
Claims Oversight and Management
Activity Checks
Property Loss Prevention Services
Property risk advocacy to assist you in understanding specific exposures from both operational and financial perspectives
Translation of engineering results into quantifiable business language
Risk analysis and risk planning assistance
Interpreting insurance carrier concerns
Project management assistance to develop specifications for HPR insurability and recommendations for cost-efficient solutions
Verifying property (COPE) data for marketing
Business continuity planning
Negotiating risk improvement plans and engineering services
Disaster Recoverary Management
Claims Support
Onsite Personnel
Business Recoverary Planing
Property Evaulations (Pre and Post)
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